Mecz »Hiszpan vs Dacul CB


Rampart Ivor red
Fortress Wystan blue

Opis gry:

Good start with 2 consa and ideal mage guild.. resurect and tp and DD for build...:) i build another mage guild in tower... my opponent was very expansive....more towns....and atack me in day 143...with a very low power skill( i had artefact -25% and ring -5%) and my shacles win the game.. Its true Im confirm tfp My mage build this same... But 3 dragons utopias was shit i was not so expansive...but i farmed a good army....

Tura zakończenia: 143

Zwyciężył: Dacul CB

Mecz wprowadził: Valerin Bizonov

Zwycięzca meczu: Dacul CB

Dacul CB